The beehive got taller.

There are lots of bees in there, and the smell of beeswax is amazing.

The hydrangea are putting on quite a show.

I'm growing summer squash and zucchini for the first time.

The craft room smells like garlic.

Critters are eating all our strawberries.

And if this is what your 'weeds' look like, don't pull them - they're tall phlox.

Wow, I feel special. I'm glad I asked! I wanted to you come here to see my new room, but your pictures make me want to go there and see all of those wonderful things!
I definitely want to come see your new room!
So, do you have phlox or weeds?
It has been too hot to investigate phlox/weeds. I will check it out after the rain stops this week. Your hydrangeas look gorgeous!
Awesome blog! If you wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate it if you'd come check out mine and see what you think. :-)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
Sorry - forgot the (www) :-)
Cool blog you got here. I'd like to read something more concerning this matter. The only thing that blog misses is some pictures of some gadgets.
Nickolas Flouee
jammers for sale
Wow,great pictures and also thanks for recipes i will ask my sweet heart to try these all.thanks
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