Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I really enjoyed Victorian Farm, so I was excited to find that Edwardian Farm is also on YouTube. I find the narrator's voice grating, but I quite like Alex, Peter, and Ruth. I learned a ton watching the first series, and expect I will watching this one as well.


Marin said...

Thanks for the links. I have enjoyed both shows immensely.

Rue said...

Oh, good :o). Me too.

Schuyler said...

Ruth really got on David's nerves. They've done another one now, or maybe they had an earlier one? Earlier, Tales From the Green Valley. There was another woman on that one. I liked watching her get every so slightly annoyed with Ruth's tutorials.

Rue said...

I'm not sure I'd want to work with her. She seems so genuinely enthusiastic about what she's talking about, though, and that appeals to me.