We made sugar cookies last night to bring to the local unschoolers get-together today. I still can't believe how many unschoolers have come out of the woodwork. Dagny found someone to crochet with (someone whose mom was happy to drive home again when her daughter realized she had forgotten her yarn), I had bunches of people to talk to who
like their kids, and Rowan had so much fun with new friends that she didn't mind her cheeks going completely numb while she played capture the flag. (Did I mention it is FREEZING here? Still no snow.)
Rowan mixed sugar and food coloring to make tons of colors for the cookies, and we tried out the new cookie cutters Karen gave me.

Body parts - yummy and funny. And in the case of
Margaux Lange's jewelry, quite pretty.

1 comment:
Very cool that you're finding more unschoolers! I'm happy for you guys. :)
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